There needs to be a maximum allowed time limit per hole at mini-golf. #slowplay #sobad #largebackup
Archive for September 21, 2013
Man behind the counter: I smell pot.
Man behind the counter: I smell pot.
Me: Yeah, it’s on my breath. May I order some food?
Getting somewhere would be infinitely easier if I only listened to directions
Getting somewhere would be infinitely easier if I only listened to directions. #hellomcfly #easilydistracted #uturnismybestfriend
Tweet Sports and Spin Cycle Sunday Night #afterdropoff #…
Sports and Spin Cycle Sunday Night #afterdropoff #divorceddadsdowntime
Tweet Quick tip: Diapers can double as a rag in case you…
Quick tip: Diapers can double as a rag in case your car is too dirty for guests and needs a quick wipe down. #absorbent #ingenuity
Diapers can double as a rag in case your car is too dirty for guests and needs a quick wipe down.
Diapers can double as a rag in case your car is too dirty for guests and needs a quick wipe down. #absorbent #ingenuity
Do you have to go to the bathroom?
Me: Do you have to go to the bathroom?
Son: No.
Me: Then why is your hands in your pants.
Son: (Shrug).
Me: Could you at least not linger if touching in public?
Tweet Truth. All sexting means is you are texting with o…
Truth. All sexting means is you are texting with one hand and jerking off with the other! #wantagirl #pickupthephone #makeaplan
All-in-one Tallis/Diaper bag. That’s just how I roll.
All-in-one Tallis/Diaper bag. That’s just how I roll. #multipurpose #keepingholydaysreal
Tweet Coffee maker or China? Coffee maker hands down! #s…
Coffee maker or China? Coffee maker hands down! #separationagreement #winning