Archive for Random Observations

Red Flag: When your online date states she hates online dating.

Red Flag: When your online date states she hates online dating. #conundrum #whodoes #meneithernow

Diapers can double as a rag in case your car is too dirty for guests and needs a quick wipe down.

Diapers can double as a rag in case your car is too dirty for guests and needs a quick wipe down. #absorbent #ingenuity

All-in-one Tallis/Diaper bag. That’s just how I roll.

All-in-one Tallis/Diaper bag. That’s just how I roll. #multipurpose #keepingholydaysreal

Coffee maker or China? Coffee maker hands down!

Coffee maker or China? Coffee maker hands down! #separationagreement #winning

Changing a poopy diaper before bed.

Changing a poopy diaper before bed. #ballin #alltheladiesloveme

That’s why the old fashioned way is much better than Internet dating

That’s why the old fashioned way is much better than Internet dating…

Note to self: Don’t get the babysitter unless you know you are definitely going out.

Note to self:
Don’t get the babysitter unless you know you are definitely going out. #jumpedthegun #liveandlearn